Chocolate Covered Banana Toast

I was so excited when I found brownie batter hummus made by Delighted by Dessert Hummus in the Walmart by me. The next day after I bought it, they posted they have a pumpkin one out. I wish it was there that day, just means I will have to go back to get it! I made this delicious chocolate covered banana toast with the hummus.

For years, a peanut butter banana sandwich is my I crave it. And now to add chocolate to it will take it up a notch!! The peanut butter banana sandwich is what I eat before I go on my long runs since it keeps me satisfied for a long time. 

Talking about long runs, I am training for the Philadelphia Marathon. This will be my first marathon. I have ran about 5 half marathons, but years ago. My friend asked me to run the marathon and I was only doing 6 miles to keep up my endurance. After thinking "Absolutely not", I switched my thinking to, "Now is the time to do it, I have time to train, my health is great, I don't have kids, I have someone that will do it with me, and I can check it off my bucket list (my biggest reason I am doing it." So I told her I am all in and paid for the race that week (before the price jumped!).

It has been going great, mostly meeting my weekly miles. Some weeks the weather was way too humid so I would do a quick 5 miles versus 7. But, we made sure we were doing our long runs every Saturday morning. We are now 9 weeks out and running over 14 mile long runs. During our 14 miles, which was in cold rain, I really felt great!

The next week, a runner's worst nightmare happened! I want to cry thinking about it (as I am elevating and icing my ankle)... I twisted my ankle on a huge rock and fell. I stood up with a cut up elbow, back, and was not able to walk! Like why did I not see it? Why did this happen to me? Why now? I believe there is a reason for everything and I am not the only one that goes through this. There is much worse that could have gone wrong, so I am glad I am still have my health and 9 more weeks before the run. I hope through this dilemma, I can help someone else.

This fall happened the day before our long 16 mile run. I called my friend and had to back out of our 16 mile long run the next day.  I felt terrible that I couldn't be there to run with her. Thankful her husband rode his bike and her aunt met for some miles. First day my ankle looked like (don't mind my awful chipped nail polish):
Not too bad: so I went to a local brewery (Bonesaw)...because beer helps right?

A little difference I guess? Don't mind my awful bunions..I am not ready for that surgery!

I woke up the next morning and it was a gorgeous day, PERFECT running weather! It is the worse when you can't run on gorgeous days! After work, I went to the gym. I did the rope and upper body strength training (glad I didn't hurt my arm too bad!). This is what my ankle looked like:
Okay maybe now it is a cankle?

So here I am 3 days later, doing the good ole' RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. I have been talking to my uncle who ran a marathon after having to rest after an achilles problem and he also coached cross country. I have been talking to my friend who is a trauma nurse practitioner and a past college athlete. Also, talking to my cousin's friend who is a physical therapist. I obviously have been reading running articles and different blogs to help myself. It is just nice to have very helpful and  knowledgeable people in my life.  Here is my ankle day 3:
One HUGE bruise due to the compression pushing to blood elsewhere... I think? Also, there is an ankle somewhere there. My husband is the best and taking care of me!

This is what I am learning, so far:
  • REST... and it could take FOUR weeks to heal...this is making me freak out! I am totally down for resting for a few days but not sure about the whole weeks thing.
  • ICE... 20 min on 20 min off... ok this can be doable (during the weekend), but when the week comes along I am not sure how I will get enough ice in.
  • my swelling went down but bruising looks awful!!!! At least when I am limping people can see this is why. 
  • ELEVATION...this is tough when you are not used to sitting on the couch much. I am always around walking around. 
  • PRAY... I don't have control of the situation, I can only depend on the Lord to help me mentally and physically through this! 
  • REST... like how long?
  • TAPING OR BRACE... this will be my next step. Maybe I will look like a legit runner with that tape on my leg (I always thought those people were intense runners)? Well I am not intense, just clumsy. 
  • DO THE ROPE... keeping up with the cardio without having to use your feet. I either sit on the ground or on my knees and move that rope. It is a tough workout after 10-15 minutes straight.
  • UPPER BODY...maybe I will get more defined and stronger upper body?? I can only hope as that is all I will be doing until it heals. Maybe a little body weight squats and deadlifts in there?
  • FOCUS ON NUTRITION... I have to admit I have been treating myself lately... Like Harp & Crown all you can eat brunch today!
    Harp & Crown in Philadelphia is a MUST go to! So cute inside plus delicious food!

    The brunch was amazing and I found that I LOVE lox!
    But, I need to be more cautious since I will not be burning 1k calories or more in 1 day! Plus, eating an anti-inflammatory and nutrient rich diet can only increase the healing!
  • REST... did I mention that yet?

Sorry, I got off track with my new running dilemma. I will keep you all updated as the healing process goes! But back to this amazing chocolate covered banana toast...

It doesn't matter if I run 13 miles or don't run at all because this nutritious toast can fit into any healthy lifestyle! It is super easy, fast, and a nutritious snack/small meal filled with protein, complex carbs, potassium, fiber, magnesium, selenium, and healthy fats.

Chocolate Covered Banana Toast 

  • 1 Plain rice cake
  • 2 tbsp Brownie Batter hummus by Delighted by Dessert Hummus 
  • 1 tsp almond butter
  • 1/4 tsp hemp seeds
  • 1 tbsp Vanilla Cinnamon Granola (I used Lark Ellen Farm's organic grain free bites)
  • 1 banana 
  1. Spread hummus on rice cake, slice banana on top, and finish with remaining ingredients.
  2. Enjoy!


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