Winter Fitness

BRRRR!! It is freezing out and it gets dark early, making it really tough to get a good workout in (especially if you like to workout outside).  I find it very difficult to motivate myself to get out in that cold weather to do a long run.  The treadmill is fine but only up to 6 miles, but more than that I think I would go nuts.
If you are struggling with the same problem I have a few tips:
-Try a new workout like: swimming, P90x, Insanity, elliptical, treadmill, kettle balls, yoga.
-Take your workouts to the slope with skiing and snowboarding.
-Get to the gym and strength train (even if you have to push yourself), you will feel so much better after.
-When it snows: shovel the driveway and put a twist in it when you move the snow to hit your core!, go sledding and climb back up those hills, have a snowball fight, build a big snowman, etc.
-Workout at home: you don't even need weights, use your own body to do: burpees, push ups, leg lifts, mountain climbers, planks, squats, lunges, be creative and keep moving. You could also put in a fitness tape to have a professional show you some moves

Instead of running yesterday, I went skiing with some of my friends. It was nice to change up my workout for one day.  Plus it was so much fun with great friends! I also felt sore today in my abs, legs, and arms (from poles)!

*Fun Tips about Skiing/Snowboarding*
- Skiing can burn from 300-600 calories per hour
-Skiing works your core, hamstrings, quads, calves, hips, and arms (if poles are used)
-Skiing helps to improve balance, flexibility, agility, and strength
-Snowboarding can burn up to 500 calories per hour
-Snowboarding works the calves, hamstrings, quads, ankle and feet muscles, and abs
-Go with friends and you will forget you are getting in a good workout!


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