The Good Fest

The Good Fest

This past weekend was amazing! I volunteered and took part in the wellness festival called The Good Fest. It was filled with like-minded people who enjoy healthy food, being kind, yoga, and integrative medicine. We were able to try so many good products: Sano protein, P.S. snacks, further food collagen, Ketel One botanical, Sweet Greens, GT kombucha, the Juice Philly, Soom tahini, RX bars, no cow bars, Omi protein, emmy's coconut cookies, Franklin & Whit products, and amazing massages from Zeel. We did yoga with @balancewithb and it was only a half hour but it was a perfect flow.

The speakers were so inspiring and if you are reading this you need to go follow these amazing woman: @hummusapien (Alexis is a registered dietitian), @shanboody, @thewellnecessitites (Another registered dietitian), @kelseyjpatel, @katiedalebout, @feelgoodfoods, @n_marquis (creator of hipcityveg), @dr.nicolerivera, and the girls that started The Good Fest (Kate Van Horn, Jess Baumgardner, and Jen (@jenniferh490).

Prior to going to The Good Fest, I started to follow most of these woman on Instagram. I am so inspired by Dr. Nicole Rivera, she is a integrative medicine physician. Her and her practice have inspired me to study more on integrative medicine and nutrition. Integrative nutrition is more of a holistic approach to wellness. The practitioners focus on finding and treating the root causes, rather than the symptoms. Through my own experiences and hearing others, is a reason I want to dig into this field more.

I will be a bit vulnerable here: but I have struggled/ still struggling with amenorrhea, acne, IBS, and psoriasis which all lead to giving me anxiety in my life. I went into nutrition and fitness because I have always thought nutrition and wellness can benefit me. Through many trials I have found triggers, but have yet to figure out the root cause. I have been on birth control (which helped but we want kids within the next few years), every acne cream/antibiotic/face wash, and on lotions or steroid cream for my psoriasis.  Having a strong faith in the Lord, which has helped me with my anxiety and in return has helped me go through some of these days I don't feel worthy or going out in public because my face is breaking out or whatever the cause may be. I also feel the Lord put all these plants and food items on this earth to nourish us. After meeting and speaking to like-minded people at the festival, I realized this is the nutrition route I would love to dig deeper in.  Instead of treating the symptoms of health concerns, I want to dig deeper to find the root cause of the problem.
If anyone has any experiences with similar situations or health concerns, I would love to hear from you!

If you went to the Good Fest or are into integrative nutrition,  I would love to hear from you!


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