February is American Heart Month...Be heart-healthy!

February is all about hearts: from Valentine's Day to American Heart Month.  With heart diseases being a cause of most deaths in America, prevent yourself with a heart-healthy lifestyle. Some risk factors may not be controllable (genetics and age), but most risk factors can be controlled ( cholesterol, blood pressure, obesity, medications, diet) by making some changes in your lifestyle.

*Be Heart-Healthy*
- Regular, moderate physical activity: at least 2 hrs and 30 minutes a week (cardio and strength combined)
-Fill half your plate with vegetables and fruit (add a variety)
-Cut back on sodium by choosing low-sodium, not using the shaker, limiting frozen and processed foods
-Eat fatty fish at least twice a week (salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel, sardines)
-Limit red meat and animal products (to reduce cholesterol)
-Try to stay away from trans fat and limit saturated fat

*Foods That Make Your Heart Smile*(eatright.org)
-Oatmeal: contains beta glucan, a soluble fiber, helps regulate blood sugar levels and carries extra cholesterol out of the body.
Pumpkin Chia Oatmeal

-Soy: Reduces bad cholesterol (LDLs), 25 g of Soy protein/day helps heart disease. You can get it by eating edamame, tofu, or drinking soy milk.
Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter "Ice Cream"
-Spinach: Plant stanols and sterols help lower LDL cholesterol (by blocking the absorption and leading it through the body), rich in potassium (lowers blood pressure levels), low in calories, and high in fiber. Add spinach into salads, casseroles, sautés, omelets, smoothies, soups, or some of my recipes.
Healthy Spinach and Artichoke Dip
-Salmon: Omega-3 fatty acids helps inflammation, lowers blood pressure, and lowers triglyceride levels.
Easy Tomato Sauce with Salmon
-Walnuts: Good source of omega- 3s, polyunsaturated fat (reduces LDL cholesterol).
Try them alone (14 halves=one portion), in salads, as a breading for chicken, in baked goods, and in pancakes.
Whole Wheat Banana Walnut Pancakes


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